Certified Retirement Plan Fiduciary™ DesignationThe Certified Retirement Plan Fiduciary™ program provides consistent, regimented, and unbiased training to ensure public retirement system fiduciaries have the knowledge to confidently address the challenges they face. Designed to specifically address the six educational areas listed in the Georgia Code, participants gain an understanding of topics related to the public retirement system industry. The CRPF™ Basic and Advanced Courses are only offered during the September Trustee School. Course sessions are held for two full days, and breakfast and lunch are provided to all Trustee School attendees. In the early evenings, a networking social hour is offered to enjoy refreshments and discuss the day's educational sessions. The CRPF™ Basic and Advanced Course exams are held on the third morning after a continental breakfast. Each course consists of an introduction, twelve educational sessions specifically designed to address the six educational areas listed in the Georgia Code and a daily review session. CRPF™ course registrants receive 14 GAPPT Continuing Education Credits (CECs) for their participation. To enroll in the Advanced Course, a participant must have completed and passed (70% or greater) the Basic Course examination in the last two (2) years. Upon completing their Advanced Course exam, a participant will receive the Certified Retirement Plan Fiduciary™ designation. CRPF™ certification runs from April 1st to March 31st, and designees must complete eight (8) GAPPT Continuing Education Credits (CECs) annually to maintain their certification. CECs can be earned by attending the Continuing Education Course at the Trustee School, sessions at the Annual Conference, or through the Association's online education platform. CRPF™ Designees: See answers to frequently asked questions HERE. The Georgia Association of Public Plan Trustees™ is accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard. IACET is recognized internationally as a standard development organization and accrediting body that promotes the quality of continuing education and training. For questions and additional information about the Certified Retirement Plan Fiduciary™ designation, please contact [email protected]. |